Additions and Bugs Fixed since Demo Version: -------------------------------------------- Version 1.05: ------------- No difference at all, but 68000/68010 version now included. 68000/010 version includes a command line parameter to set memory size (see readme file). NB the 68000/010 version will run on all machines, not just 68000/010's. Version 1.04: ------------- 1) Source code changed a lot with litle affect to the emulator. Small changes in screen handling, (gets correct colour cursor on multiple text pages). Disk handling has been improved, it now allows disk transfers to odd byte boundaries, even if the hard disk device does not. 2) Minor bugs fixed in emulation. Potential bug found in disk interface - I doubt whether this made any difference, but now its doing "the right thing". Version 1.03: ------------- 1) Bug fixed to allow ARP or WB Mount commands to function correctly. Previously only ARP's Mount command would work. 2) Screen handling changed slightly. Avoids a problem when the timer interrupt is taken over - sometimes only odd lines would be displayed on graphics screens. Version 1.02: ------------- 1) Handling of processor flags changed slightly so that the top four bits of the FLAGS words are always set. This stops some programs from thinking that the processor is a 80286 or even a 80386. (Most noticable when trying to run PKZIP or PKUNZIP!) Version 1.01: ------------- 1) Hard disk partitions with > 256 cylinders now function correctly. (Not that this would have worried anyone using the demo version - it only supported a 2MB partition.) 2) A bug in the BIOS which writes characters to the graphics screen has been fixed. When a BIOS call to print multiple characters was issued garbage would get printed. 3) The screen handling has been changed slightly. Basically this means that speed has been improved when using the screen driver ANSI.SYS. 4) The parameters that are used for drives are no longer read from the mountlist, but instead from the AmigaDOS environment. This has cured all the problems that the emulator had with reading the mountlist. This is why devices now have to be mounted before running the emulator. Also, HD partitions which are mounted at boot time (before a devs:mountlist is read), can be used with the emulator. 5) A parallel port has been added. The port is only accessible at the BIOS level and is intended only for a printer. If the application which you wish to use to print does not print correctly, try printing to a file and then use either the dos print or copy commands.